Impaktita DVD

Impaktita DVD


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"Ripped from a shitty (and I mean terrible shit) bootleg VHS rip that's darker than Wesley Snipes and presented here in all its horrible glory, Impaktita is a tale about either a mom who's a flying werewolf-like monster which I guess is what an Impaktita is. Anyways, dad is killed by an Impaktita and drops his baby daughter in the woods. Mom gets killed by an angry mob after some killings. Guy in a truck finds the baby girl in the woods, takes her back to his wife and they raise her as her own. Years go by and the young minx blossoms into a sexy young monster and gets the town bully's goat. Laughter and fun are shared by all. Fin. Includes awesomely shitty transformation scenes, tacky gore, and general cheesiness."